I support healthcare systems in strengthening their current language access programs, with an eye toward legal compliance, effective patient-provider communication, and efficiency. If you are a Manager of Language Services, I can help you with:

Evaluation and design

  • Evaluation of your organization’s compliance with Title VI, Section 1557 of the ACA, accreditation requirements from Joint Commission and DNV, Medicaid contracts, and local ordinances.
  • Language services design or redesign, with a view toward better efficiency and higher quality.
  • Building support with senior leadership.
  • Implementation of Video Remote Interpreting systems.
  • Evaluation of the appropriate use of interpreting and translation services provided through Artificial Intelligence.
  • Establishing non-language-based signage and wayfinding.
  • Benchmarking studies.
  • Mentoring of Language Service Managers.

Managing staff interpreters

  • Recruiting and training qualified interpreters across language groups.
  • Measuring interpreter productivity.
  • Monitoring interpreter performance.
  • Walking your staff interpreters through national certification.
  • Creating a balance between staff, contract and sub-contracted interpreters and translators.
  • Staff interpreter morale.
  • Interpreter screening and evaluation.

Provider-interpreter working relationships

  • Increasing staff willingness to call an interpreter.
  • Teaching staff to partner effectively with interpreters in person, over the phone or over video conference.
  • Evaluation of linguistic proficiency of bilingual healthcare providers.

I also support state and local interpreter associations with guidance on organizational development, fund raising and member services.

I may provide expert witness services, depending on the case.